CuMesh Transformation

CuMesh: Supporting the transformation journey

With CuMesh - we can optimise-integrate:
your regulatory processes,
with your business’s operational needs,
with application workflows,
with your content and digital asset agenda,
with your web services.

A new approach

Online systems and software design needs have evolved beyond yesterday’s IT technology and data transaction component designs.

CuMesh design addresses large scale operational systems and how they can be evolved into secure operations and intelligence platforms. CuMesh enables the journey from yesterday's siloed data architecture into tomorrow’s IT, real time information infrastructure and decision based world - quickly, visibly and economically

CuMesh solves the complexities, costs, time and risks of large scale operational, transactional back-office IT systems and their transformation.


  • is designed to address legacy system transformation and greatly reduce the costs and risks of the transformation process. We do this by providing an out-of-the-box Proof-of-Concept platform that can converge legacy and future online user and application requirements.
  • renews internet access and infrastructure systems with a self-governed, trusted nodal 'smart fully functional' web - IoT application engine meeting the challenge of limited, fragmented and insecure internet technologies, and can deliver shared, collaborative, national infrastructures.
  • takes on board accessibility, privacy, cyber security, PKI and formalised roles (digital trust), systems management, digital asset management and multi party governance systems.

Begin the transformation journey..